Kashmiri - 1st shoot of 2022

After many months with almost no shoots in 2021 the new year has started auspiciosly with a great shoot in the first wek and others booked in the coming weeks. Miki was great and is off to London in two days to pursue her acting career.

  • Miki Davis - model
  • Felicity Smith - makeup and hair
  • Dora Vagenas - stylist

all images ©petercollie.com 2023

I made an NFT

I had to explore NFT’s - non fungible tokens - as a way of authenticating items and following secondary sales of digital creations. Here is my first: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/31105122712571844113781774887956049474898760514318113995672242921321168633857

all images ©petercollie.com 2023


There are plenty more big things around Australia, this drive I started photographing some I knew and discovering others, the collection will grow as I know of at least four more I’ve never photographed and I’m sure I’ll find some others.

Lake Cathie



Coffs Harbour


Port Macquarie

Gold Coast Queensland

Giant bike at Mooball

Giant bike at Mooball

The giant potato, go figure, at Robertson NSW, noted for it’s perfect soil.

Big sky near Coolongolook

all images ©petercollie.com 2023

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